Available Services
$ 70.00 / session
$ 30.00 / MEAS Analysis
$ 10.00 / Session
Retail Price
Free of Charge
QEST / Meridian Therapy
QEST treatment techniques are non-invasive and emphasize a combination of energy transfer and muscle testing. The practitioner touches treatment points, temporarily directing subtle energy to the client. The practitioner may also apply energy in the form of gentle directional movement with respiration. Because each person's energy profile is unique, based upon previous and present conditions, a complete treatment plan will vary from person to person. Each visit takes approximately 1 hour, unless a MEAS Analysis is included.
MEAS Analysis
This analysis takes approximately 30 minutes. We recommended the MEAS analysis to be done at the initial visit, quarterly, and after an injury.
Gua Sha
Many of the injuries that people sustain leaves scar tissue behind. Depending on the severity, this can be very debilitating. Gua Sha is a technique that uses tools and massage lubrication to break up this scar tissue, allowing the body to absorb it and the muscles to heal naturally. Gua Sha is not necessarily a time-consuming process and does not need to be scheduled separately. The need for this treatment can be assessed during a regular session.
Energy work needs energy. One building block for energy comes from quality nutrition. We get our nutrition through Nuti-Dyn, a very reputable company that offers high quality products and an extensive product line. We recommend that everyone take the Super Six (Multi-vitamin/mineral, Omega 3, Calcium, Vitamin D3, antioxidant, and a probiotic) on a daily basis. Other recommendations can be made based upon an individual's needs.
For those individuals who are interested in obtaining more information prior to scheduling an initial appointment, we offer a one-time 30-minute consultation at no charge.